Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Poster presentations:
General Instructions
Please bring your poster to the congress yourself. The Congress Secretariat provides you with the equipment for setting up the poster on the display panel and the number of your poster panel will be available upon your arrival at the venue.
All poster presenters will have the opportunity to discuss their work during Poster networking sessions, at 11:15 and 16:00 on Wednesday and Thursday and at 11:15 on Friday.
The posters will be displayed and visible for the entire duration of the event.
Poster Specifications
The measures of your poster MUST BE maximum 70 cm wide x 100 cm high (vertical orientation)
All posters should include title, name of authors, institution, city and country. The lettering of the title should be a least 25 mm high and the main text at least 10 mm high.
The poster should be easily readable from a distance of 2 meters.
Poster Competition
The Scientific Committee is organizing a poster competition for the “Best poster awards”. The poster awards will be handed out during the closing ceremony taking place on Friday 26 September, 12:30.
Short presentations
Time for short presentations is 10 minutes including questions, for this reason, the time suggested for the presentation is 8 minutes.
Time for oral presentations is 20 minutes including questions, for this reason, the time suggested for the presentation is 16/17 minutes