
8th International Conference on Microbial Diversity
Microbial Diversity for Empowering the Ecological Transition: Research, Innovation, and Technological Transfer

September 23-26, 2025 – Rome, Italy

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Congress venue

Sapienza - University of Rome:

Founded in 1303, Sapienza is the oldest university in Rome and the largest in Europe. Since its foundation, Sapienza has constantly played a significant role in Italian history and has been directly involved in key changes and developments in society, economics and politics. Sapienza has 125,000 students, 3,576 professors, 2,320 employees, technicians and librarians and 1,260 administrative staff in university hospitals. It currently offers 311 degree programs, among which over 66 are taught in English, over 98 PhD and 86 specialization schools. Sapienza is organized into 11 faculties, one School for Advanced Studies, one post-degree School of Aerospace Engineering, 57 departments, as well as numerous research and service centers. University services include 48 libraries, 19 museums, and the Sapienza Sport Center (find out more here). The main campus, where the conference will be held, is a real city within the city located in the heart of Rome. The campus also houses the technology transfer office, which plays a valuable role in the protection and commercialization of intellectual property developed by Sapienza researchers.
Scientific research activities at Sapienza cover an extremely broad spectrum of disciplines, reaching levels of excellence in many areas, including archaeology, physics and astrophysics, humanities and cultural heritage, the environment, nanotechnologies, cell and gene therapy, design, aerospace, social and economic sciences.

Sapienza brings together a strong interdisciplinary team, as well as infrastructures, committed to the enhancement of research results in agricultural sciences. Infrastructures include i) the Smart PHYTOTRON for simulations of global change environmental conditions to analyze and monitor in real time the morpho-functional effects of biotic and abiotic stress on natural and crop plant species; ii) the NMLab, an integrated system of NMR spectroscopy-based equipment and knowhow entirely dedicated to metabolomic analysis; iii) METROFOOD, a research infrastructure in the “health & food” field, consisting of the best research centers of 18 European countries. Research projects in the agri-food sector range from protection of marginal areas to circular economy, reduction of waste and environmental impacts, passing through safety, traceability and typicality of supply chains. Research groups carry out their activities jointly with numerous national and international companies as well as research institutions.

Sapienza is committed to pursuing outreach through two different paths: technology transfer and innovation on the one hand, which is responsible for the creation of several startups and spinoffs, and the production of public goods and public engagement on the other, with the aim of generating social, cultural and economic impact on society and the territory.


Congress venue
Department of Chemistry “La Ginestra” hall (Building CU014),
Sapienza University of Rome, piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma

Gala Dinner venue
Botanical garden of Rome
Largo Cristina di Svezia, 23 A - 24, 00165 Roma

Sapienza Museums Network
Sapienza Museum Network (Polo Museale Sapienza) is an integrated system of twenty world-renowned museums containing a wealth of scientific knowledge. The museums are classified into five thematic areas based on their field, methodology and scientific scope.